Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Just a note to say I'm living"

While filing I found this poem my friend, Elissa Edge, sent me many years ago; thought it was quite appropriate for my posting record recently!

(Author Unknown)

Just a note to say I'm living

that I'm not among the dead.

Though I'm getting more forgetful

and mixed up in the head.

I got used to my arthritis,

to my dentures I'm resigned.

I can manage my bifocals

but gosh I miss my mind!

For sometimes I can't remember,

when I stand at the foot of the stairs,

If I must go up for something

or have I just come down from there?

And before the fridge so often,

my poor mind is filled with doubt.

Have I just put food away

or have I come to take some out?

So if it's my turn to write you

there's no need for getting sore;

I may think that I have written

and don't want to be a bore.

Just remember that I love you

and wish that you were near.

Now it's nearly mail time

so I must say goodbye, my dear.

Here I stand beside the mailbox

with a face so very red!

Instead of mailing you my letter,

I have opened it instead!

~author unknown

After reading this again, I realize this actually sounds like how well my mind works (or doesn't) when I'm pregnant! =)
I'm thinking once again that I will start posting things about sewing and quilting, and use picasa for family photos and such. Baby is due in a week now, so don't know how regular that will be either!

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